Super Soul Solutions Radio Podcasts
Merrily had a radio show from 2020 thru 2021 produced by
Below you will find the titles and brief descriptions of each podcast.
Titles are active links to take you directly to the selected show.
2021-2022: How Med Beds Regenerated His Body with U.S. Marine Super Soldier, Captain Randy Cramer
Discover how Super Soldier Captain Randy Cramer, U.S. Marine Corps, special sections, regenerated on Holographic Medical Bed & Interstellar Trading with 100’s of ETs
Randy spent a 30-year tour with the Secret Space Program (SSP), Earth Defense Force (EDF); including one 17-year tour on Mars Defense Force (MDF)
Description of ET species Randy met. *ET infiltrations & skirmishes; the truth about Mars
Randy’s experiences on the Holographic Regenerating Medical Beds getting his arm and body completely healed within hours! * Med Beds regrow limbs; cure all diseases including cancer; age-regress an older body to a younger body; and allow for a much longer age with high quality so you can have fun and contribute more!
Randy shares his journey to the Ambassadorial Trading Station near Jupiter ~ where hundreds of ET species meet up to negotiate trade agreements
He offers a course to increase your Psionic (brain wave) abilities
Beneficial ET Technology Roll-Outs & New Currency with Super Soldier Captain Randy Cramer
Captain Randy Cramer, Super Soldier for U.S. Marine Corps, Special Sections did a 30-year tour and is still active. Seventeen years were with the Mars Defense Force on Forward Station Zebra. Thirteen years were with the Earth Defense Force and fleet; protecting Earth and the solar system.
What currency or trade are we moving toward? Is it physical, electronic, or both?
How many other interstellar planetary worlds are already connecting with civilian private contractors and corporations?
What other beneficial technologies will be coming forward? Replicators, 3D organ printing, free energy, anti-gravity cars, healing with Tesla & Rife frequencies and sound, & approximately when?
Randy says he has recently been 'cleared' to tell civilians of a startling event that he has been told by his superiors will most likely happen in the near future.
*Note from Merrily I am not sure the dramatic "Alien event" that’s been on the table for many years will be necessary; who knows? I’ve discussed the different agendas by the N's, "Bugs," & Military who likely would be participating and/or responding to the emergency. Randy says, “if we win,” which he is counting on; “this event could end up moving all humanity along faster for a post-war restoration.”
Positive Timeline, Time Travel, Portals, Med Beds & Cloning with Capt. Randy Cramer
Captain Randy Cramer returns - Super Soldier for U.S. Marine Corps, special sections (ss). He did a 30-year tour of duty and is still Active. 17 years were with the Mars Defense Force (MDF) on Forward Station Force Zebra Base. Thirteen years were with the Earth Defense Force (EDF) and fleet; protecting the earth and the solar system.
We discuss Timelines, Time Travel, Portals, Med Beds, Regeneration, Clones & Inner Earth.
Randy Cramer, Super Soldier for U.S. Marine Corps Special Sections, did a 30-year tour and is still active. Seventeen years were with the Mars Defense Force on 'Forward Station Zebra'. Thirteen years were with the Earth Defense Force and fleet; protecting Earth and the solar system.
Learn what percentage of our solar system is NOW FREE from problematic pirate scavenger ET species that have been coming to Earth for a long time to grab minerals, water, supplies, and worse.
More descriptions and abilities of the 2 ET species Randy dealt with on Mars
Hear stories of his visits with Inner Earth beings & how they have recently assisted us
Find out how Randy found his way home piloting a non-operational fighter spacecraft when his electronics were fried by an EMP (electromagnetic pulse weapon)
What’s an average day look like for Earth Defense Force pilots like Randy when they go out and return to Nautilus (What are space structures called Dyson Spheres, how they are built & by whom?
Soldiers Jumping into ET Bodies - which Enables 22 Amazing Abilities with Capt. Randy Cramer
Captain Randy Cramer, hybrid Super Soldier for the US Marine Corps, Special Sections, has had over a dozen experiences running multiple-species Avatar/Drone bodies - (think Avatar movie).
He describes the super-advanced suit tech elite soldiers wear that enables incredible feats.
This back-engineered Extraterrestrial technology will be one of the last things to trickle down to the civilian sector to assist in the protection/safety of police and firemen.
What it’s like running an Avatar of your clone across housands of miles on different planets in real-time
* What it’s like jumping into an Avatar of another ET species - for real!
22 amazing capacities that the Super Soldier's most advanced armored suits enable them to do!
Heads-Up Display (HUD) helmets enable you to see and hear beyond human capacity
Advanced hand-held weapons with bullets that turn corners
Randy shares what he has been told looks like an important event rollout; most probably within the next three months?? How to keep yourself prepared and calm.
Captain Randy Cramer, Super Soldier for the US Marine Corps, Special Sections, has visited & lived with a couple of Extraterrestrial civilizations BEYOND Mars and the Moon.
Randy spent two years on a planet in the Casseopeia region and shared many meals at the family home of an ET scientist he was sent to rescue.
He shares his experiences visiting our closest neighbor; the Centuri ET civilization on Alpha Centauri and enjoyed getting to know the playful Sasquatch who originally came from the stars and have lived on Earth for ages.
Learn about their lifestyles:
Relationships & domestic partnering on other planets; sex, marriage, children *Architectural shapes of homes & cities; building materials
Clothes, fabric & styles worn by citizens; color relevance
*Preferred food & preparation *Various modes of transportation
Systems of governance *Commerce *Communication devices
Types of entertainment; music, dance, art, sound/singing, sports
Spiritual beliefs - Psionic abilities
*ny religions?
Health systems & Solutions to mental health issues
10 Non-Humanoid Species & Their Unique Abilities on Mars & in the Galaxy with Captain Randy Cramer
Captain Randy Cramer, Super Soldier for the US Marine Corps, Special Sections, has been on the Intergalactic Space Station conversing peacefully with Non-Humanoid Extraterrestrials, as well as on Mars and even farther reaches of space. Join us as he shares his experiences and knowledge of Raptors, Insectoids, Mantids, Antids, Aquatics, Cephlapods/Octopus, Avians, Giant Centipedes, Large Spiders, and ‘Creepers’
Learn about their:
Strength, speed and agility of the Insectoid ETs
Dare from his 1st wife to walk up to a group of 5-foot tall Antids on Mars
Trade agreement with a Cephlapod/ Octopus & their amazing abilities (Hint: Arrival movie) *Aquatics; like the upright Shark species and others
Dyson Builder Tree Frog ETs; their brilliance and longevity
Most unusual ET species Randy met
Most intimidating ET species Randy met
The first Human and ET Interstellar Treaty Conference on Earth took place in Exeter, England in 1961. Human beings, along with many ET species had to scientifically prove that they were indigenous to earth, in order to maintain rights to Earth … A Big Deal!
Jo Ann shares fascinating and eye-opening stories involving Raptor Prince Naga Draconis of the Imperial Fleet (think 'Jurassic World' Raptors = for real!) with Captain Lloyd Richards. These two indigenous species conspired together to no longer remain enemies or use humans for food ... Another Big Deal!
Jo Ann Richards, is a journalist and Executive Director of the educational non-profit 'Earth Defense Headquarters'. Her husband Captain Mark Richards, US Navy, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, Jr. US Air Force Major, were soldiers in a top-level military space command, that performed intelligence operations since World War II. Many special ops included on-world and off-world contact with various humanoid and non-humanoid species. Richards oversaw the security for this entire conference as well as the following Interstellar Convention in 1971. (See Part 2)
List of attendees included Royalty, V.P. Johnson, and well-known names in all areas of academic expertise. A hundred different species were in attendance; all with different needs, food requirements, and many requiring unique self-contained environs; especially Earth's six sentient water species. Buckminster Fuller designed a lot of these habitats.
You will learn for the first time about a portal opening up and an ET neutron bomb sent through a wormhole that would have destroyed Earth in 1971 - a very close call!
Discover 7 Galactic ET species that attended 2nd Interstellar Treaty Conference that took place in Persepolis, Iran in 1971. Human beings along with other ET species had to Scientifically Prove their indigenous nature - to ensure their rights on Earth. More than 200 Extraterrestrials attended- all with special requirements for food and habitats.
Humans were largely helped by Contessa Leona, scholar & archeologist of the upright Feline Humanoid species - Panthera Eterna.
• Panthera Eterna Felines: Contessa Leona, & mate Catafalque (hero)
• Coleoptera Astro-Proxima (CAP) "Clicker" War Beetles
• Benevolent Artificial Intelligence that flew around the conference "Flyer"
• Vaporwisps - communal cloud-like species • Flatlanders - one-dimensional hive species
• Thalerians from Andromeda (over 100 species in Andromeda)
• ETs from the Sagittarius cluster
Discover 5 outcomes and Important Impacts for us Earth Humans. 200 off-world ETs and hundreds of dignitaries attended this 2nd Interstellar Treaty Conference in Persepolis, Iran. Actual photos and graphics are included in the show.
Meet 8 Non-Humanoid ET species; some given bases on Earth, still to this day!
• War Beetles, Coleoptera Astro-Proxima-size of VW beetle (pun intended) "Clicker"
• Buzzers: 4-foot-tall Prince Red-Black to the rescue against Giant Centipedes
• Felisavis: sensual multi-colored FLYING FELINES first met on asteroid Vesta
• Canisions: Upright Canines - Monabestia & son, Stormpaw = merchants of the galaxy
• Artificial Intelligence: flew around the conference as a spy "Flyer 777"
• Flatlanders - one-dimensional hive-like species helped save the day!
• Thalerians from ANDROMEDAN area – beautiful stalk-like fluid beings
• Titania – Royal line Witch (Mark’s mate) entertains Raptors with stories & magical abilities
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Integration & Unification is now our Galactic Goal as a collective conscious human species!
I synthesize Lyssa Royal’s work offering:
18 Attitudes, Agendas, & Human Inherited wounds: 3 from each of the 6 Galactic Species
This introduction is for All Ages and offers a new Bigger Picture perspective. The truth of your COMPLETE DNA, and YOU as GALACTIC HUMANS (& infinite, immortal souls) has not been fully taught in schools, churches, or mainstream media. (Info given to you in "23andMe" is not your ‘complete' DNA) Those of you who are awakening to the truth of your being and have been doing your 'homework' to heal and raise your frequencies - I congratulate you! You are not merely healing your earth family's ancestral wounds from seven generations back. The wounds that we inherited through our DNA go much further back -to what we were exposed to as a young Human species in the constellation of Lyra, and what we imprinted from our Galactic Forefathers and Foremothers!
*NOTE: Part 4: Merrily shares 5 favorite effective healing tools for processing faster our over-reactivity from ego and wounds - to become free.
She also Introduces briefly a healing technique that she has been developing these past 15 years she branded BodyWhispering. We all need to stop the war on our bodies. Wars within create wars without!
Testimony for BodyWhispering:
"Hey Merrily, your body whispering stuff works. LOL. Last night I did the body whispering thing you suggested as best I could remember it; asking for faster healing for my biome and no more stomach pain. The stomach pain went away quickly and today it hasn’t been a factor so far. Trusting my gut has a new meaning. You’re awesome and I plan to spend another hour or so with Merrily on YouTube to check out more videos. I will look at your website to see if there are services that we can do remotely on zoom that would be fun and helpful. Thanks so much," Loretta S., Ca. 4/2022
The host, Jo Ann Richards, is married to Captain Mark R. of the early Secret Space Program. I have had many 3-hour meetings in person with him over these past 12 years. He is very knowledgeable and patiently answered over 300 of my questions.
I synthesize Lyssa Royal’s work offering:
Accurate drawings of your 6 Galactic Forefathers and Foremothers whose DNA you carry.
18 Attitudes, Agendas, & Human Inherited wounds: 3 from each of the 6 Galactic Species
This introduction is for All Ages and offers a new Bigger Picture perspective. The truth of your COMPLETE DNA, and YOU as GALACTIC HUMANS (& infinite, immortal souls) has not been fully taught in schools, churches, or mainstream media. (Info given to you in "23andMe" is not your ‘complete' DNA)
Those of you who are awakening to the truth of your being and have been doing your 'homework' to heal and raise your frequencies - I congratulate you! You are not merely healing your earth family's ancestral wounds from seven generations back. The wounds that we inherited through our DNA go much further back to what we were exposed to as a young Human species in the constellation of Lyra, and what we imprinted from our Galactic Forefathers and Foremothers!
Merrily continues to synthesize Lyssa Royal’s work offering:
18 Attitudes, Agendas, & Human Inherited wounds: 3 from each of the 6 Galactic Species (Drawings done by Elena Danaan, Galactic Federation of World's Emissary, with permission)
This introduction is for All Ages and offers a new Bigger Picture perspective. The truth of your COMPLETE DNA, and YOU as GALACTIC HUMANS; (infinite, immortal souls) has not been fully taught in schools, churches, or mainstream media. (Information given to you in "23andMe" is not your ‘complete' DNA)
Those of you who are awakening to the truth of your being and have been doing your 'homework' to heal and raise your frequencies - I congratulate you! You are not merely healing your earth family's ancestral wounds from several generations back. The wounds that we inherited through our DNA go much further back to what we were exposed to as a young Human species in the constellation of Lyra, and what we imprinted from our Galactic Forefathers and Foremothers!
In this show, I share 5 favorite effective and fast healing tools for processing over-reactivity from our ego and wounds - in order to become free.
I also briefly introduce a healing technique that I've been developing these past 15 years that I branded, "BodyWhispering." (Start at 12:15 timecode and I elaborate more at 17:07) We all need to stop the war on our bodies. (Wars within create wars without.) Enjoy!
Animal Whispering - What is Animal Communication & How To Do It Easily, with Merrily Milmoe - Part 1
Animals Are Angels Loaned to Us; Helpers, Guides & Teachers
Do you want to know more about how your pet feels?
Do you want to resolve behavioral problems with your pet?
Do you want your pet to be happy and healthy?
Are you wondering if your pet is in pain or sick?
Are you wondering if they are ready to cross over, 'die'?
Has your pet gone missing and you need to know what happened?
Are you aware of your pet’s purpose for being with you?
For more Animalwhispering material, please visit one of my websites at:
Hints how animals talk and, yes, animals have a conscience and when asked how they feel about their person, they often respond: “My person is so confused!” LOL
Quick behavior transformation stories with Animal Communication (AC)
Why telepathy/telempathy communication is not affected by time and space
Learn how to convey a specific message to your animal
What you – their steward can learn in a private and professional AC session
Recommended online animal communicators for you to explore
Fireside Stories for the Family: Enjoy!
Elephants pay their respect
An Eagle kiss
Dolphin play
Whale: Song language revealed
Gophers & Ants: Successful communication to end infiltration
Racehorse: Refuses to eat
Dogs: Famous war-time dog & movie star “Strongheart” teaches caretaker how to receive thoughts = telepathy
Cats: Depressed cat shifts quickly once the owner discovers an issue
Merrily shares Plant & Nature Scientific Experiments on Communication Proof:
How to Talk to Plants, Trees & Flowers!
Dr. Marcel Vogel, Cleve Backster, & other scientists Prove Plants respond to your thoughts!
Why does Biocommunication work?
Lie detector polygraph shows plants communicate
The magic of Findhorn, Scotland
Damanhur’s singing plants talk back in Italy
Woman grows a plant from seed in 20 minutes!
Plants read your Intention before any action
Learn fascinating truths about GMO plants
Does Intelligent Water Exist? You Betcha! with Merrily Milmoe
Learn about the unique properties of 4th Phase/Exclusion Zone= H302 bottled water ...
DIVINIA - A water that takes you and your health to a whole new level - verified by 7Universities to assist removal of:
Microplastics, heavy metals, viruses, mold, bacteria, radiation, Hormones, or Toxins; Free of All contaminants.
Activated & Oxygenated - naturally 102% bioavailable oxygen & is the only bottled water that maintains these properties over time and temperature variances. Ideal for earthquake preparation and stores indefinitely. (Penn State University)
Bioavailable Hydrogen - Divinia has higher energy stored in the H20 bond, making the hydrogen and oxygen naturally more bioavailable to you. This means MORE ENERGY FOR YOU! (Amity University & Penn State University)
Deuterium Depleted: more bioavailable to your cells and helps restrain free radicals. (UC Davis)
Free of All contaminants and 1000x purer than any other water tested on the market at 0.00pm. (Penn State University)
Detoxifier - Exclusion Zone separates toxins for easier cleansing by body
Maximum Hydration - more hydrating than deionized rainwater Patent-pending issued from the US patent office
Did you know it is necessary to have a minimum of 36 Volts available for your body to repair calls and regenerate for optimized functioning?" verified by Randy Veitenheimer and Dr. Jerry Tennant.
Archaeological ET Evidence: Time Travel, Hall of Records, & Golden Thrones, with Peter Moon - Part 1
My Favorite remarkable 2003 Archaeological Discovery never publicly disclosed!
Of all the hidden archeological discoveries that I have researched so far, the Bucegi Mountain Romanian discoveries have been absolute proof that the most brilliant advanced ET galactic family the size of giants have been on earth before and left advanced technological proof for us!
Radu Cinamar, reincarnated adept, chose Peter Moon to write his Transylvania series of books that tell of a secret chamber beneath the Romanian sphinx containing Holographic Records of Earth’s history, ET Bio-Resonance Holographic Imaging Technology of Human DNA, and
on-world and off-world Giant ETs.
Also explored were three significant mysterious tunnels that led to the deep secrets of “Inner Earth” civilizations and a City of Gold Thrones! Listen to find out where these tunnels lead to ...
• Revelatory Discoveries = New Era for Humanity
• Unprecedented collaboration of secret Romanian & American forces
• Conscious Time Travel to see the actual Jesus - surprising results !
• Proof of ET, Human, and multi-species Genetic Mating Compatibility
• Hall of Records (revealing the long true history of humanity)
• Romanian Tunnels leading to Tibet, Mt. Kailash, Lhasa Royal Palace, & Gobi Plateau
• Meeting with Elinor; an ageless alchemist who knows the Secrets of Prolonged Life
• “Inner Earth” citizens & the fabled city of “Shambhala"
I read ALL of Peter Moon's books and highly recommend his "Transylvania" series plus the "Etheric Crystal-the Third Tunnel" (on DNA !)
Peter Moon
Inner Earth Visited & How ETs Steered Human DNA to a Higher State, with Peter Moon - Part 2
Meet Inner Earth Civilizations & Discover How Multiple ET Civilizations Steered the DNA of Humans to a Higher, more Advanced Evolutionary State!
Romanian Intelligence Division discovered that the earth’s core is not what conventional science assumes
Meeting civilizations in the Inner Earth - Glimpse the fabled City of Shambhala
How multiple ET civilizations steered the DNA of Earth’s Humanity to evolve to a higher state
Inner Earth Headset Device reveals real past time holographic consciousness projections illustrating the FACTS about humanity’s ancient origins & its hope for the future !
Peter Moon
The world is introduced to Merrily's bubbly telling of her fascinating journey through Africa from which she contracted three 'no-cure for' diseases and healed them very fast with help from ‘friends from above’.
This show was extended by the producer's unprecedented decision, due to many people calling in excited about the show. She was spontaneously given a 2nd extra hour.
So, Merrily continued offering guidance on:
How to heal, Why you are here, and more ... 'in the flow' sharing.
Merrily Milmoe's first Introduction to “Helpers From Above”
Understanding We are Co-Creators participating in an amazing journey
Positive Opportunities from the "Cancer" experience
Remembering we have Choice
Earth's Original Life Charter - "Library Planet"
How to Reset from negative thinking in 1 minute
Merrily's 5 Favorite Quick-Healing Techniques
Why You Came Here
Q & A from listeners during the last 5 minutes & MUCH MORE!
(The above was a 2020 interview by producer, Nicole Whitney at
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Sean Bond: Multidimensional Tracker, Magician & Healer
This is 'advanced' information from a young man who is very 'multidimensional'. This means Sean sees, perceives, and is aware of operating on many dimensions simultaneously in the 'Multiverse'. (It's not just one Universe).
He enjoys teaching others how to become more telepathic and offers tools to increase your skills so you can track and troubleshoot your own specific vitality, and energetic health concerns.
Simplifying and narrowing answers down to just one, rather than offering multiple tangential branches; is no easy task. Sean has a sense of humor about his challenge with this. How expansive do you want to be?